The Larger Revelation

The Joker

As we bring this Bible Code into the realm of legitimacy (20 words or more that are interconnected), we begin to find other players and their motives come into view. One of the first things we discovered was that Cain/Osirus has been using witchcraft and other occult practices to get his orders from Ancient Evil and its demonic minions. It has become clear that the point demon on this project to "take down" the current government of the United States is Ashima (the Joker). He is the one with the "evil plan or device" to take down this current government and install a new government that will sign the new contract with Ancient Evil.

If it takes a pandemic or two, some riots, and maybe an assassination or two to get the job done, so be it. I was once the elohim (god) of Hamath (II Kings 17:30), but now, I am setting my sights on bigger and better things.

Let's have a look at the Bible Code and then we will analyze futher:

Bible Code Matrix Bible Code Key

When you look at this Bible Code closely, you see three threads running simultanously. The first one is Ashima's (The Joker) evil plan to ensure the United States stays connected to Ancient Evil. The second thread centers around Lilith, Cain/Osirus, and Jared Kushner using "poison" music to subvert the people of the United States. The third thread centers around ANTIFA's attempts to "take down" the current government of the United States and replace it with a Fascist-Communist government featuring centralized control and management of all "means of production."

When we started checking the ANTIFA connection carefully, we find that the "teth" in Trump is shared with the "teth" in ANTIFA. While that might suggest a connection like we saw with Ancient Evil and Jared Kushner, we found a different scenario entirely. Instead, ANTIFA appears to be an occult organization that tried to use a combination of witchcraft spells and enchantments to topple President Trump and Vice-President Pence so that Speaker of the House: Nancy Pelosi can assume the Presidency under the 25th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If she were to even ascend to the White House, she would immediately sign that "contract extention" with Ancient Evil. What Ms. Pelosi does not understand is that even if she signs the "contract extension" with Ancient Evil and Ashima (the Joker), the "point demon" on the agreement... Ashima (the Joker) will not return the U.S. and world economies to normal. He will use that agreement to finish the United State of America, once and for all.

However, Ashima (AKA the Joker) has more in mind than just destroying the United States of America. He wants the technology that will allow him to control the earth and "loot" it like he has done in the past. Click here to visit the next page in this series.

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